Victoria, British Columbia
Victoria, British Columbia
The distance to Victoria from Seattle is approximately 100 miles or translated into time is approximately 4 hours at 21.5 knots per hour when traveling by yacht. Perhaps known most for its invigorating scenery, Victoria was established as a fort in 1843 and has served as the Capital of British Columbia since. Prior to the settling of British in 1778, Victoria was home to aboriginals who migrated from as far as Asia and remained unbothered for centuries. Today, over 40 different aboriginal cultures exist in the area with Chinese and Punjabi being the most spoken languages following the English language. Because of the beautiful terrain and fulfilling environment, many Germans, Russians, Italians and Japanese add to this rich and diverse culture by calling Victoria home.
Art, theatre, biking, shopping and dining are a short list of reasons why this destination city has something for everyone. In 2011 the city was awarded Trip Advisor’s prestigious Top 10 Family Vacation Choice Award. The city isn’t the only hot item lined with attractions as many tourists find time outside of the city enjoying hiking, fishing, boating, sailing, biking and whale watching. From the 1,000 year old trees pitted on the vast mountain ranges to the blue ocean water, one can easily see why this is an outdoorsman dream come true.